纪录片《匠心芦编》创作设计 摘 要 近年来,非物质文化遗产得到了来自社会越来越多的关注。然而,芦苇编织作为一个取材朴素、成品也并不华丽的非遗技术,在追求精致的时代,难以成功地吸引到更多的受众。因此,发扬和保护这项不被重视的手工艺就显得尤为重要,再小众的技艺也不该被淹没在时间的洪流里。为了更加真实地描绘出芦苇编织这项技艺本身的独特魅力,借以纪录片的形式,透过画面与声音将芦苇编织的文化,与传统手工艺人进行编织的过程展现于人前。呼吁大众了解芦苇编织的历史,用新的观念和思维方式来重新审视传统编织工艺。通过纪录片体会到劳动人民的智慧与芦苇编织艺人的匠心精神。号召人们重视和发扬中国传统文化,为传统手工艺注入全新的活力。 关键词:非物质文化遗产;芦苇编织;匠心精神 Abstract
In recent years, intangible cultural heritage hasreceived more and more attention from the society.However, reed weaving as a common material,the finished product is not gorgeous intangible heritage technology,In an age of refinement, it is difficult to successfully appeal to a wider audience.Therefore, it is particularly important to develop and protect this neglected handicraft,Even the skills of a few people should not be drowned in the flood of time. Key words:intangible cultural heritage;reed weaving;Ingenuity spirit; |