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关键词:传统文化 文化自信 国家宝藏 成功因素

An analysis of the success factors of the program " National Treasure "


In recent years, in order to enhance cultural confidence,the country has been promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture. At the end of 2017, the large-scale cultural variety show "national treasure" was launched,which immediately ignited the audience's love for traditional culture and set off a "culture and Museum boom". The research on the success factors of national treasure not only has important theoreticalvalue, but also can provide practical reference for the production of TV programs in China. This paper first summarizes the research status of cultural variety show,then summarizes the success factors of the program from the internal andexternal reasons, and finally extends the enlightenment brought by the popularity of "national treasure".

Key words: traditional culture, cultural confidence, National treasure, success factors


第1章 绪论 ..1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1 关于文化类综艺节目的研究 1

(1) 发展过程研究 1

(2) 创新模式研究 2

(3) 传播策略研究 2

1.2.2 关于《国家宝藏》节目的研究 2

第2章 《国家宝藏》节目现状分析 4

2.1 文化类综艺节目概况 4

2.2 《国家宝藏》节目的发展及现状 5

第3章 《国家宝藏》节目的成功原因 6

3.1 《国家宝藏》节目自身内部优势 6

3.1.1 声光舞美:彰显大国气度 6

3.1.2 节目形式:不拘一格独具匠心 7

3.1.3 文化传承:弘扬文化自信 8

3.1.4 价值传递:凸显家国情怀 9

3.2 《国家宝藏》节目的外部优势 11

3.2.1 节目收获口碑的背景缘由 11

3.2.2 “年轻化”元素的助推作用 11

(1) 国宝文创产品助推节目影响力 11

(2) 善用新媒体,拓展受众群体 12

3.3 《国家宝藏》节目第三季的创新 12

3.3.1 特效升级 13

3.3.2 突出仪式感 13

3.3.3 推出音频节目 13

第4章 《国家宝藏》的成功带来的启示 14

4.1 坚守文化类节目的初心,弘扬核心价值观 14

4.2 放眼世界,向外传播中华文化 15

4.3 挖掘文化底蕴深厚、具有创新能力的人才 16


参考文献 17

致谢 19