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家庭伦理电影一直是中国最主要的电影类型之一,从最早期的电影出现到影视大繁荣的现今,家庭伦理电影一直是影视创作主流。家庭伦理电影所讲述的多半是普罗大众的日常生活,其叙述内容大多与家庭关系有关的家庭故事,家庭故事一般都十分贴近人们的现实生活,通过日常生活的细枝末节来表现家庭的情感纠葛,或者反映某种社会现象,具有非常丰富的故事性以及可扩展性,很容易被大众所接受。 在家庭故事中,最主要的就是因家庭成员之间的各种因素而产生的一系列的爱恨情仇,而这些爱恨情仇的发生究其根本就是因家庭情感所导致的。这些情感是抽象的、虚拟的但又切实存在的事物,它代表着创作者寄托在作品中的思想感受,让观者在欣赏艺术作品的同时与作者产生心灵的互动和共鸣,因此,情感对于家庭伦理电影不可或缺的特质决定了在家庭伦理电影的创作和研究中,情感的表达尤为重要。




The family ethics film has been one of the most important film types in China,from the earliest appearance of the film to the great prosperity of today,the family ethics film has been the mainstream of film and Television Creation. The family ethics film mostly tells the daily life of the proletariat,and its content mostly relates to the family story,the family story is generally very close to people's real life, showing the emotional entanglements of the family through the MINUTIAE of daily life, or reflecting a social phenomenon, has a very rich story and extensibility, and is easily accepted by the public. In the family story, the most important is a series of love and hatebecause of the various factors between family members,and the occurrence of these love and hate is fundamentally caused by family emotions. These emotions are abstract, virtual but real things,which represent the thoughts and feelings of the Creator in the works, and let the viewer have the interaction and resonance with the author while appreciating the works of art, emotion is an indispensable feature of the family ethics film, which determines that the expression of emotion is especially important in the creation and research of the family ethics film. This article takes the family ethics film as the Research Object,starts from the Family Ethics Film Narrative Angle,unifies my graduation work "the thorn in the ordinary life" the creative process, carries on the analysis research to the family ethics film emotion expression, in-depth exploration of the family ethics film in the narrative level of emotional expression and role.

Keywords: Family ethics film; emotional narrative; film creation


1引言 1

1.1研究目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容及方法 4

2家庭伦理电影的叙事特征 5

2.1叙事空间:家庭内部与公共场所 5

2.2叙述内容:人际关系与情感纠葛 6

2.3叙述风格:悲喜交加与人文关怀 7

3情感的镜像——人物塑造大众化 9

3.1被边缘化的老年人 9

3.2面临困境的中年人 10

3.2收获成长的青少年 11

4情感的投射——情节设置日常化 13

4.1衣食住行 13

4.2婚丧嫁娶 14

4.3生老病死 15

5情感的落点——主题彰显直接化 17

5.1台词点明 17

5.2动作呈现 18

5.3细节强调 19

结语 20

参考文献 21