跨越俄罗斯等级道路的高铁桥式解决方案研究 摘要:根据俄罗斯首都莫斯科及周边的地形、地物、地质特点,研究适用于跨越各等级道路的高铁结构物解决方案,包括常用跨度简支梁和变高连续梁、等高连续梁、连续刚构、刚架桥、(异型)框架桥、下承式拱桥等高铁桥跨结构物。针对不同规模的道路障碍物,提出可供选择的常用跨越结构物适用原则,为其他类似铁路工程的涉路跨越结构的方案选择提供借鉴。 关键词:桥梁结构物解决方案道路跨越 Abstract: According to the topography, ground features and geological characteristics of Moscow and its surroundings, research solutions applicable to high-speed railway bridges across all levels of roads, including simple beam bridges, continuous beam bridges, continuous rigid frame bridges, rigid frame bridges, through arch bridges, etc. In view of different roads, alternative schemes are proposed to provide reference for other similar railway projects. Key words: Bridge Structure; Solutions;Road crossing |