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关键词:高校思想政治理论课 错误思潮 思想政治教育


With China's increasing opening up and stepping into the center of the world stage,the relationship between China and the world is closer and the mutual influence isdeeper, and the situation and struggle in the ideological field are more complex. Colleges and universities are no longer ivory tower and peachblossom land, but the forefront of the current ideological work. As the main channel of students.The attitude and ability of Ideological and political course to deal with wrong thoughts directly affect the effectiveness of Ideological and political course in Colleges and universities. This paper focuses on the erroneous thoughts existing in China in the new era,discusses some of them, and further analyzes the influence of erroneous thoughts on the ideological and political course in the aspects of teaching environment, teaching objects and teachers. On the basis of making it clear that the criticism of erroneous thoughts should adhere to the principles of socialist core values leading and sticking to the bottom line of propaganda,Put forward the effective path to enhance the effectiveness of Ideological and political course.

KEY WORDS: Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and Universities Wrong trend of thought Ideological and Political Education