融媒体时代高校网络思政教育创新路径 摘要:网络融媒体平台为高校网络思政教育带来了发展的契机和全新的挑战。本文通过抓住融媒体时代下网络思政工作的三个特点:网络平台便利化及多样化、网络平台差异化及个性化、网络平台扁平化,来深度分析目前网络思政的三个困境:网络平台内容单一,网络思政形式单一,网络思政引导形式单一。结合以上分析,进一步提出了网络思政教育的方法创新:强化内容供给,整合平台矩阵,培养意见领袖。高校的网络思政教育是一项充满机遇和挑战的任务,在融媒体时代的大环境下,更要乘着融媒体的“东风”,利用好各大媒体平台,挖掘当代大学生喜闻乐见的内容形式,打造大学生信赖认可的新媒体平台矩阵,利用平台间的影响合力共同传递正能量,将高校的网络思政育人工作开拓出新的局面。 Abstract: Media Convergence platforms bring both development opportunities and new challenges to the online ideological and political education in universities. By capturing three characteristics of the online ideological and political education in the era ofMedia Convergence (convenience and diversification, differentiation and personalization,and flattening of online platforms),this paper deeply analyzes three dilemmas of the current online ideological and political education (monotonous contents of online platforms, monotonous forms of online ideological and political education, and monotonous guidance of online ideological and political education). Through the analysis, this paper proposes the methodological innovation of online ideological and political education,including strengthening content supply, integrating platform matrices, and cultivating opinion leaders. Online ideological and political education in universities is a task full of opportunities and challenges. In the era of Media Convergence,it is more important to take advantage of media convergence and make good use of media platforms, as well as to explore the contents favored by college students and create new media platform matrices trusted by college students. It is necessary to use the joint influence between platforms to transmit positive energy and open up new horizons of online ideological and political education in universities. 关键词:融媒体 网络思政教育 |