话语演变与建构:中国红色文化的起承转合 摘要:红色文化是中国共产党带领中国人民在革命、建设和改革过程中所形成的独具中国特色的文化样态。近年来,随着“两种道路”的意识形态之争,西方学术话语试图通过历史虚无主义的书写和碎片化解读不断地消蚀中国主流文化;同时,国内学界对红色文化的研究还有待进一步深化,中国红色文化的话语建构面临着新的挑战。本文试图从中国社会主义的运动史出发,梳理中国红色文化的发展演变,分析其背后的生成逻辑和演进规律,并对新时代中国红色文化的话语建构提出意见建议。 关键词:红色文化;话语建构;文化实践;符号转化; Discourse Evolution and construction: The transition of Chinese red culture Abstract: Red Culture is a unique cultural pattern with Chinese characteristics formed by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in the process of revolution, construction and reform. In recent years, with the ideological struggle between the two paths,the Western academic discourse has been trying to erode the Chinese mainstream culture through the writing and fragmentation of nihilism The study of Red Culture in domestic academic circle needs to be further deepened, and the discourse construction of Chinese red culture faces new challenges. Based on the history of Chinese Socialist Movement,this paper tries to sort out the development and evolution of Chinese red culture, analyze its formation logic and evolution law, and put forward some suggestions on the discourse construction of Chinese red culture in the new era. Key words: red culture; discourse construction; cultural practice; symbolic transformation |