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摘 要



Research on Inventory Management of Chain Supermarket -Take 7-11 as an example


The inventory management of the chain supermarket is of special significance for the supermarket to reduce the operation cost and improve the use efficiency of the circulating funds. With the continuous development of the economy,the chain supermarket is the traditional management mode in the circulation field, it is also facing more intense market competition. Based on the theory and case analysis,this paper puts forward the main problems existing in the stock management of chain supermarkets, and how to manage the stock to reduce the production cost and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. On this basis, the causes of these problems are studied systematically,and the strategies of strengthening management,reducing inventory cost and promoting the development of 7-11 supermarket are put forward.

Keywords:Supermarket chain; inventory management; mode of operation


目 录

一、引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究内容和目的 2

二、连锁超市的概述 2

(一)连锁超市经营 2

(二)连锁超市经营的特点 3

(三)连锁超市的分类及介绍 3

三、连锁超市的存货 4

(一)连锁超市存货管理的现状 4

(二)存货管理对连锁超市经营的作用 5

四、 案例分析——以7-11便利店为例 6

(一)7-11便利店简介 6

(二)超市经营发展现状 7

(三)7-11连锁超市存货成本分析 8

(四)7-11便利店存货管理存在的问题 10

五、我国连锁超市存货管理存在的问题 11

(一)对于总存货成本分析较少 11

(二)存货制度不完善 11

(三)存货周转率不高,占用资金成本 11

(四)内部存货控制监督不足 12

(五)供应商管理体系不健全 12

六、 连锁超市存货管理水平的策略与实施 12

(一)提高存货总成本管理水平 12

(二)优化存货管理 12

(三)加强存货成本核算,优化核算方法 12

(四)优化内部控制体系 13

(五)加强与供应商的合作 13

七、结论 13

参考文献 15

致 谢 16