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ABSTRACT:In the context of the continuous deepening of the socialistmarket economy, the new era of market economy has quietly arrived,and the degree of intelligent production has also continued to increase. Compared with the "Internet +" sales model, the traditional sales method is also beyond the reach.Now that every household is equipped with refrigerators,the market for the refrigerator industry is becoming saturated. Driven by this current situation,the refrigerator manufacturing industry must pay attention to costs in a timely manner if it wants to obtain better promotion space. Among them, if enterprises want to save costs and maximize profits, they must manage and control procurement costs. Through our investigation and research on Wanfa Refrigerator Manufacturing Company,we found that Wanfa Company still has some problems in purchasing cost management and control. We put forward reasonable countermeasures to the problems and form a complete set of purchasing cost managementmethods and systems. To surpass competitors and stabilize its market position.

Keywords:Procurement; cost control; refrigerator manufacturing


目 录

一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究背景及意义 1

(二) 国内外研究综述 1

(三) 研究内容 3

二、 采购成本管理与控制相关理论概述 3

(一)采购成本管理与控制的含义 3

(二)供应商管理 4

三、万发公司现状及采购成本管理与控制问题分析 5

(一)公司简介 5

(二)万发公司在行业中的现状 6

(三)采购现状及采购成本管理现状 6

四、万发公司采购管理与控制存在的问题 8

(一)公司原材料库存管理不当 8

(二)缺乏更好的采购组织体系支撑 9

(三)供应商管理不完善 10

五、万发公司采购成本管理与控制的相应策略 11

(一)改进存货管理观念,优化ERP存货管理模块 11

(二)优化采购部门管理体系,培养专业采购队伍 11

(三)科学选择、动态管理供应商,建立战略合作伙伴关系 12

六、研究结论与不足 12

(一) 研究结论 12

(二)不足 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15