企业融资策略优化研究—以荣盛集团为例 内 容 提 要 当今社会随着经济的发展,房地产企业越来越成为我国市场经济下的重点产业。但是房地产企业一直面临融资难的问题,由于其属于资金密集型产业,对资金需求量大且资金流动性差,所以如何解决房地产企业融资问题成为重点。荣盛地产集团作为我国大型房地产企业之一,发展前景较好且一直保持稳定快速增长,成为行业的领军企业之一。企业如此快速的发展离不开融资策略的制定。本文以荣盛地产集团为例,对比分析财务数据,利用融资约束理论分析融资策略和企业价值的关系,指出企业发展中在融资结构、融资渠道等存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出解决措施,加以优化改进,并同时为行业内其他企业提供借鉴参考意义。 关键词:融资策略 企业价值 优化 Abstract Nowadays, with the development of economy,real estate enterprises are becoming more and more important industries in the market economy. However, real estate enterprises have been facing the problem of financing difficulties.Because it is a capital intensive industry,the demand for capital is large and the liquidity of capital is poor, so how to solve the financing problem of real estate enterprises has become the focus. Rongsheng real estate group,as one of the large-scale real estate enterprises in China, has a good development prospect and has been maintaining stable and rapid growth, becoming one of the leading enterprises in the industry. The rapid development of enterprises is inseparable from the formulation of financing strategies.This paper takes Rongsheng real estate group as an example,compares and analyzes the financial data,analyzes the relationship between financing strategy and enterprise value by usingfinancing constraint theory, points out the problems existing in financing structure and financing channels in the development of enterprises, and puts forward solutions to these problems, optimizes and improves them, and provides reference for other enterprises in the industry. Keywords:financing strategy enterprise value optimization 目 录 一、 绪论 1 (一) 选题背景 1 (二) 研究意义 1 (三) 文献综述 2 二、 相关理论基础 2 (一) 融资策略的多元化 2 (二) 资本结构 3 三、 荣盛地产融资现状及动因分析 4 (一)荣盛地产有限公司概述 4 (二)荣盛地产集团现状 4 四、 荣盛地产集团融资策略优化的必要性分析 7 (一) 降低财务风险 7 (二) 扩大融资规模 7 (三) 整合资源利用 8 五、 荣盛地产集团融资策略分析 9 (一)通过企业价值进行分析 9 六、 荣盛地产集团融资策略的优化 12 (一) 优化融资的结构 12 (二) 降低财务的风险 13 (三) 拓宽融资的渠道 13 (四)坚持国家的政策 14 参考文献 14 |