浅谈我国中小企业筹资管理的现状、问题及研究对策 摘 要 随着改革该放的不断深入和经济的不断发展,企业之间面临市场的竞争也不断加强。企业为了在激烈的竞争中处于优势地位,就需要有强大的资金投入作为保障,同时,企业由于战略发展和资本经营的需要,还会积极开拓发展前途的投资领域。经营规模扩张和对外产权投资等,都将产生大量的资金需求。因此,作为资金运作中的首要环节资金的筹集显得尤为重要。资金的筹措是企业生存和发展的前提条件,企业管理者必须拓展投资渠道,并权衡不同自资金来源的可靠性、持续性、成本以及对公司经营风险的影响,以尽可能低的成本取得源源不断的资金供应,而筹资管理的目的在于满足公司资金需求,降低资金成本,减少相关风险。我国中小企业为了加强竞争优势,不论是在筹资方式还是筹资规模上都具有自身的特点,筹资管理不同的筹资方式回导致公司财务风险程度,资金成本水平,股东控制权是否分散等多方面的问题,筹资管理也逐渐成为企业财务管理工作的核心一环,因而具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本论文目前大体由以下几个方面着手进行。第一部分便是绪论,主要是研究环境及影响等。其次是论文的主体:首先,将分析筹资管理存在问题的内外部原因;其次,将根据筹资管理存在的问题制定中小企业相应筹资管理的对策,主要从制定的目标、筹资渠道、商业信用、互联网金融、内源筹资业务等方面进行对策的研究;再次,将提出筹资实施过中的保障措施;最后是论文的结论。 本文资料的具体来源是通过线下搜集、线上查找、借鉴成功案例等当时来进行资料的归纳汇总。本文大多学术知识运用知名学者的筹资理论、风投理论、理财思想等相关知识来完成本篇论文。 关键词:中小企业;筹资管理;筹资风险;筹资对策 Abstract With the deepening of the reform and the continuous development of the economy,the competition among enterprises in the market is also increasingly strengthened. In order to be in a dominant position in the fierce competition, enterprises need strong capital investment as a guarantee. At the same time, due to the needs of strategic development and capital management,enterprises will also actively explore the development of future investment fields. Business scale expansion and foreign property rights investment, will produce a large number of capital needs. Therefore, as the primary link in the operation of funds to raise funds is particularly important.The raising of funds is the enterprise survival and the development premise condition,enterprise managers must expand investment channels,and weigh the different from the reliability of thesources of funding, sustainability,cost and impact on company's business risk, to the lowest possible costs to achieve a steady stream of money supply, and the purpose of financing management is to meet the demand of company funds, reduce the cost of capital, reduce relevant risks. Small and medium-sized enterprises in our country in order to strengthen the competitive advantage,both in financing mode and financing scale has its own characteristics,the financing management of different financing methods lead to the company's financial risk, the cost of capital,the question of whether shareholder control dispersion, etc, to raise management also gradually become the core of enterprise financial management work, and thus has important theoretical and realistic significance.正 This paper is generally carried out from the following aspects.The first part is the introduction, which mainly studies the environment and its influence.The second is the main body of the paper: first,will analyze the internal and external causes of financing management problems;Secondly,according to the existing problems in financing management to develop small and medium-sized enterprises corresponding financing management countermeasures, mainly from the development of the goals, financing channels, commercial credit, Internet finance, internal financing business and other aspects of countermeasures;Thirdly, it will put forward the safeguard measures in the implementation of financing;Finally, the conclusion of the paper. The specific source of the data in this paper is to summarize the data through offline collection, online search and reference of successful cases.Most of the academic knowledge in this paper is based on well-known scholars' financing theory,venture capital theory, financial thinking and other related knowledge to complete this paper. Keywords:Small and medium-sized enterprises;Financing management; Financing risk; Raise countermeasures 目 录 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景及意义 1.1.1 选题背景 1.1.2 选题意义 1.2 研究内容和方法 1.2.1 研究内容 1.2.2 研究方法 2 筹资管理的相关理论及基础研究 2.1 筹资及筹资管理的概述 2.1.1 筹资 2.1.2 筹资管理 2.2 筹资管理的分类 2.3 优序筹资理论概述 2.3.1 优序筹资理论含义 2.4 风险管理理论概述 2.4.1 风险管理的含义、特征及分类 2.4.2 风险识别理论 2.4.3 风险评估理论 2.5 资本成本与资本结构 2.5.1 资本结构的概述 2.5.2 资本成本 3 我国中小企业筹资管理现状及问题分析 3.1 我国中小企业现状 3.2 我国中小企业筹资管理存在的问题 3.3 我国中小企业筹资管理存在问题的原因分析 4 我国中小企业筹资管理的对策研究 4.1 筹资管理对策制定的目标 4.2 中小企业筹资管理的策略分析 4.2.1 强化中小企业的自身建设,提高企业的核心竞争力和商业信用 5 结论 5.1 研究结论 5.2 研究展望 致 谢 主要参考文献 |