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摘 要:房地产企业作为我国的支柱性行业,具有项目投资庞大,周期冗长,税负繁重等特点。因此,面对高额的税金负担,如何最大化企业利益成为众多企业不得不面对的难题,而解决这一难题关键就在于进行科学合理的纳税筹划。本文将从房地产企业营业税和土地增值税两大税种入手,以淮安市天成置业有限公司营业税和土地增值税纳税筹划的实际操作过程为例,用具体的数字来论证纳税筹划的重要性及必要性,并进一步提出相应的建议和解决对策。
Abstract: As a pillar industry in China, the real estate enterprise has some outstanding features like huge investment of projects, lengthy process, heavy tax burden and so on. Therefore, in face of high taxes, how to maximize the business profit becomes an inevitable problem for many enterprises. In order to solve the problem, the key point is to implement a scientific and reasonable tax planning. This paper will start from two main taxes—— sales tax and land value  increment tax of the real estate enterprises, taking the practical operation of tax planning of the two major taxes in Huai'an Tiancheng real estate Co., LTD. as an example, using the specific numbers to demonstrate the importance and necessity of tax planning. Furthermore, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions will be proposed.
Keywords: real estate enterprise, tax planning, sales tax, land value increment tax