浅谈电子商务企业成本管理--以京东商城为例 内容摘要:电子商务是个毛利微薄的行业,在经济飞速发展优胜劣汰的时代,企业要想做大做强的同时提高收入和利润并不容易。因此,企业需从多方面着手管理,如何进行切实有效科学的成本管理就是关键之一。成本管理是所有企业管理工作的重要组成之一,也是帮助其实现盈利的重要手段,在生产经营过程当中有着十分重要的地位。科学的降低企业成本能够使企业盈利水平提高,并增加产品在市场中的良性竞争力,使其市场占有率得到提升。本文以京东商城为例,对其在成本管理过程中的优势和存在问题进行分析和研究,提出改进建议,旨在启发电子商务企业切实加强成本管理,提高企业利润,为企业能在电子商务领域更健康持续发展做基础,使这个新兴行业更加繁荣健全的发展。 关键词:京东商城 成本管理 优势 问题 建议启示 Abstract: E-commerce is an industry with tiny gross margin. Especially in the times of high speed of economic development and survival of the fittest, it is definitely very hard for enterprises to increase their turnover and profit while they are growing stronger. Therefore, enterprises need to set out to manage from different aspects and how to carry out effective cost management is one of the key factors. Cost management is one of the important components in business management, which is a method to achieve profit as well. It has a magnificent status in production and operation process. Reduce cost scientifically helps to earn more margin and add their competitive advantage in their competition so that they can raise their market share. This report demonstrated the analysis and research of advantages and problems of cost management in JD Corporation. Furthermore, give some constructive proposals and emphasize on the cost management for E-commerce enterprises. The aim is to help enterprises in E-commerce industry develop sustainably and be thriving. Key Words: JD Corporation Cost Management Advantages Problems Suggestions |