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关键词:绘画 文学 文学性 小说 创作
  Based on the author's personal interest in literary painting, this paper makes a theoretical study and a practical record of literary painting. Starting from the definition of literary painting, I discussed the tradition of "the unity of Calligraphy and painting" in Chinese painting and the rise of modern Western non-realistic painting and distinguished between "pure painting" and "literary painting" in painting. Through the analysis of the novel as a specific literary genre, I put forward the specific methodology of literary painting creation by corresponding the shaping techniques, time rules and space rules in literary painting creation to the three elements of novel creation: characters, plots, and environments.
  In the next part of this paper, I discuss the dominant position of tragedy theme in literary painting, and the influence of Dionysian spirit in Nietzsche's philosophy on artistic creation, especially the creation of tragic literary painting. This paper makes a concrete analysis of the typical case of this painting type -- the Greek tragedy theme painting.
  Finally, I elaborated my graduation creation process based on the literary painting creation methodology and spiritual core proposed in this paper. Through the analysis and study of Bosch's Paradise on Earth, I created my graduation work A Guide to Modern Tragedy.
  Key words: Literary painting;three elements of fiction; tragedy,;Dionysian