农业全产业链数字化转型路径研究 摘 要 近年来,数字技术的高效与便捷使其在各个领域发挥着巨大的作用,推动着数字化转型的进程。而农业数字化转型是农业现代化发展的必经之路,推动数字农业的建设是实现农业高质量发展的有效支撑,是使我国从农业大国到农业强国转变的重要途径。大力发展数字农业成为我国推动建设数字中国的重要组成部分。为此,推进农业全产业链数字化转型显得迫在眉睫。而产业链数字化转型需要政策的支持、必要的技术环境与技术支撑、大量的资金投入,所以适合农业观测的高分辨率遥感卫星“高分六号”成功发射,《促进大数据发展行动纲要》《数字乡村发展战略纲要》等政策接连出台,农业农村部相继印发《“互联网+”现代农业三年行动实施方案》《关于推进农业农村大数据发展的实施意见》《“十三五”全国农业农村信息化发展规划》等政策[1]。这都在表明我国对农业数字化转型的势在必得。当前,我国农业全产业链数字化进程也取得了一定成效,但还存在许多困难有待解决。 关键词:农业产业链;数字农业;数字技术 Abstract In recent years, efficient and convenient digital technology makes it play ahuge role in various fields, promoting the process of digital transformation. At the same time, the digital transformation of agriculture isthe must way for the development of agricultural modernization. Promoting the construction of digital agriculture is an effective support for therealization of high-quality development of agriculture and an important way for China to transform from a big agricultural country to a powerful agricultural country. Vigorously developing digital agriculture has become an important part of promoting the construction of Digital China. For this reason, it’s urgent to promote the digital transformation of the whole agricultural industry chain. And the digital transformation of agricultural industry chain needs the support of policy,necessary technical environment and technical support, and a large amount of investment of money. Therefore, the high resolution remote sensing satellite, "high score six",which is suitable for agricultural observation,has been successfully launched, 《Platform for action to promote big data development》 and 《Outline of digital rural development strategy》have been promulgated. The Ministry of agriculture and rural areas issued 《"Internet plus" three year implementation plan for modern agriculture》,《Implementation Opinions on promoting the development of agricultural and rural big data》 and 《The 13th five year plan for the development of national agricultural and rural informatization》. All of these actions show that the transformation China's agricultural digital is inevitable.At present, the process of China's agricultural industry chain digital has achieved some results, but there are still many difficulties to be solved. Key Words: Agricultural industry chain; Digital agriculture; Digital technology 目录 1 引 言 1 1.1研究背景及研究意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究意义 2 2相关概念与研究方法 2 2.1相关概念 2 2.1.1数字农业 2 2.1.2产业链 2 2.1.3农业产业链 2 2.1.4工业增加值增速 3 2.2研究方法 3 3农业产业链数字化转型理论分析 3 3.1农业数字化基本表征 3 3.2农业产业链基本现状 3 3.2.1生产环节 3 3.2.2加工环节 10 3.2.3流通环节 11 3.3.4销售环节 11 3.2.5农业产业链转型的必要性 12 3.3农业全产业链数字化转型的路径分析 12 3.3.1生产环节 12 3.3.2加工环节 13 3.3.3流通(运输)环节 14 3.3.4销售环节 15 4农业产业链数字化转型案例分析(以海曙区稻米产业链为例) 15 4.1海曙区简介 15 4.2海曙区稻米产业链现状 15 4.2.1生产环节 16 4.2.2加工环节 16 4.2.3产业链运作情况 17 4.3总结 17 5参考文献 17 |