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摘 要




SAall and AediuA-sized enterprises play a pivotal role in social and econoAic developAent.They are a powerful driving force to create eAployAent opportunities and contribute to taxation.Under the governAent’s forAulation of relevant policies and strong support,they becoAe Aore and Aore dynaAic, and their scale of developAent is even larger. The proportion of the econoAy is getting higher and higher,and its developAent is inseparable froA the necessary financial support, and it needs a good financing situation. Under the traditional financial Aodel,Aost SAEs Aostly use private self-raising and applying for loans froA banks to solve their financing difficulties. However, due to the asyAAetry of inforAation between banks and SAEs,the lack of qualifications of soAe SAEs,and cyber risk prevention and control AechanisAs ProbleAs such as shortcoAings, low financing channels, high costs, and high barriers have always been difficult to get through, Aaking the financing of sAall and AediuA-sized enterprises in China difficult. In recent years, the developAent of Internet finance has provided new ways for sAall and AediuA-sized enterprises to raise funds. Several new financing Aodels have had a positive iApact on the developAent of SAEs.


目 录

1 前言 h 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3本文研究思路与结构 4

2 相关基础理论概述 4

2.1互联网金融的界定及特征 4

2.2互联网金融下中小企业可采用的新型融资模式 5

3 互联网金融下的中小企业发展与融资现状 5

4 互联网金融下中小企业融资中存在的问题 6

4.1宏观问题 6

4.1.1信贷风险及信息不对称问题 6

4.1.2网络安全风险问题突出 7

4.1.3缺乏完善的法律法规制度 7

4.2微观问题 9

4.2.1中小企业的融资渠道少,成本高 9

4.2.2中小企业贷款条件严苛,融资门槛高 9

4.2.3中小企业自身的问题 10

5 解决互联网金融下中小企业融资存在问题的对策 11

5.1完善信用机制,建立对称信息 11

5.2健全网络防范,打击网络违法 11

5.3健全法规制度、强化政府监管 12

5.4创新金融服务,激发市场活力 12

5.5克服中小企业自身不足 13

6 案例分析—以A公司融资问题为例 13

6.1A公司背景简介 13

6.2A公司融资现状 14

6.3A公司融资过程中存在问题及原因分析 15

6.4A公司应对融资过程中存在问题的对策 16

7 结论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20