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  摘 要:在高速发展的21世纪,计算机已经成为了推动社会进步中不可或缺的一种手段,它代替大量人力,并且可以高效的完成以往人类认知中不可相信的任务。
  Analysis of insurance products based on Gauss naive Bayes

  Abstract: In the rapid development of the 21st century, computer has become an indispensable means to promote social progress, it can replace a large number of human, and can efficiently complete the past human cognitive tasks that can not be believed.
  At present, there are tens of thousands of insurance products in China. In order to attract users to buy the insurance they need, insurance companies divide the categories and uses of various insurance products in detail. The diversity of insurance products, the complexity of customer groups and the differences in demand make insurance product recommendation a hot topic. Insurance product recommendation needs to consider insurance According to the characteristics of the product itself and the various characteristics of the users, the user preferences are mined according to the limited behavior data. Using Python language, the Gaussian naive Bayes in the naive Bayes classifier is used to analyze the customer characteristics of the user's own attributes and the past insurance purchase records, so as to effectively screen the personal information of the majority of users, and extract common information from the user groups who purchase insurance So as to improve the accuracy of delivery and promote the business development of insurance companies.
  Keywords: Computer, python, Gauss naive Bayes, insurance products,Chi square test