基层民警警械使用存在问题及对策研究 ——以杭州市西湖区为例 摘 要:目前,我国的基层警察的警械使用在多年来都处于较低的发展程度, 与国际范围内基层警察的普遍标准相去甚远, 这无疑大大的加剧了我国基层警察出警时的危险因子和风险程度。 本次研究对于我国现存的基层警察警械使用的现状, 以及当前我国基层警察在开展工作以及日常出 警的过程中警械使用存在的诸多问题和弊病, 通过对杭州市的西湖区派出所的基层警察警械使用的详细情况进行的一系列的分析, 立足于我国当前的基本国情和我国社会群体的实际需求, 剖析我国在推动基层警察警力建设过程中的路径问题, 推进我国基层警察建设的历程。 关键词:基层警察; 警械使用; 杭州市西湖区派出所 Research on the Existing Problems and Countermeasures in the Use of Police Equipment by the Police at the Basic Level Take Xihu District of Hangzhou as an example Abstract:At present, the use of police equipment by the grassroots police in our country has been at a relatively low level of development for many years, which is far from the general standards of grassroots police in the international scope. This undoubtedly greatly aggravates the dangerous factors and risks of the grassroots police in our country. degree. The current research on the current status of the use of police equipment by the grassroots police in our country, as well as the many problems and deficiencies in the use of police equipment by the grassroots police in our country during the work and the daily police deployment process, through the analysis of the grassroots police at the Xihu District Police Station in Hangzhou City. A series of analyses on the detailed situation of the use of police equipment, based on the current basic national conditions of our country and the actual needs of our social groups, analyze the path problems in the process of promoting the construction of the grassroots police force in our country, and promote the course of the construction of the grassroots police in our country. Key words: grass-roots police; work training; Changzhou Lijia police station; current situation; problems 目 录 一、 引言 3 二、 警械相关概念剖析 4 (一)警械的概念 4 (二)警械的分类 4 (三)警械的使用特点 5 三、西湖区基层民警警械使用现状及问题分析 5 (一)西湖区派出所队伍状况分析及训练现状 5 (二)基层警察警械使用存在效能低下问题 8 四、 基层警察警械使用存在问题的原因分析 10 (一)民警自身怠懈,不重视警械使用 10 (二)训练模式缺乏针对性 10 (三)警校期间警务训练基础不扎实 10 (四)警械使用教官的综合素质良莠不齐 11 (五)警械使用条件受限,明显存在四个“不到位” 11 (六)单位各级重视程度不够,资源配给不力 11 (七)缺乏赏罚分明的奖惩制度 12 五、基层警察警械训练改革建议 12 (一)要警钟长鸣抓引导,促使个人思训 12 (二)明确警械训练内容及训练目标,采取针对性训练 12 (三)严把考核出口,坚持以考促训 13 (四)打造战训结合的高素质教官队伍 13 (五)强化领导注统筹,全警组织轮训 14 (六)加大警校警务训练力度,创新警务训练教学方法 14 (七)夯实训练基础建设加强训练保障 15 结论 15 参考文献 17 |