会办制度:1689—1792年中俄边境管理 摘要 中俄两国于1689年和1792年相继签订《尼布楚条约》和《恰克图条约》后,划定了两国东段和中段边界,开展了边境互市贸易。从 1689 年签订《尼布楚条约》至 1792 年签订《恰克图市约》为止,清政府逐渐在中央和地方形成了管理对俄事务的一套行政体系,这一体系旨在管理涉俄边务和互市的相关事务。涉俄事务在中央由理藩院统管涉俄事务,地方则经历了从喀尔喀土谢图汗部王公到库伦办事大臣管辖的演变过程,这一演变是伴随着清朝对喀尔喀蒙古统治的加强完成的。1736年,频繁发生的对准战争使喀尔喀蒙古民众的负担日益加重,导致喀尔喀蒙古地区频繁发生越境逃人、盗窃等边境案件。为此,经中俄两国边境长官协商后决定设立会办来集中解决涉及中俄双方人员的边境案件。会办制度是喀尔喀土谢图汗部王公管理涉俄事务期间创建的办案机制,旨在处理涉及中俄双方人员的边境案件,带有浓厚的蒙古地方行政特色,也是中俄边境管理机制完善历程中的一个重要节点。 关键词:土谢图汗部王公 边境管理 会办制度 Abstract China and Russia delimited the eastern and middle sections of their borders,and established the commerce relationship,after the signing of the Treaty of Nerchinsk and the Treaty of Kiakhta. From the signing of the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689 to the Treaty of Kiakhta in 1792, the Qing government gradually formed a set of administrative systems in the central and local areas to manage the affairs of Russia. The system was designed to solve Russia-related border affairs and mutual market-related issues.The Ministry of Minority Affairs was in charge of the affairs related to Russia in the center ,while the local government experienced an evolution from the prince of Karkha Tushetu Khan to the Kulun minister. This evolution was completed with the strengthening of the Qing Dynasty's rule over Karkha Mongolia. In 1736,there were frequent border cases such as people fleeing across theborder and theft in the Karkha Mongol region,which was due to frequent wars against the Junggar tribes that increased the burden on the Khalkha Mongols. To this end, after consultations between the border chiefs of China andRussia, they decided to set up a meeting to concentrate on solving border cases involving personnel of both sides which was the Tugshegen system. The Tugshegen system was a case handling mechanism established by the Karkha Tushetu Khan during their administration of Russia-related affairs which had strong Mongolian local administrative characteristics and was also an important key point in theprocess of improving the border management mechanism between China and Russia. Keywords: the prince of Karkha Tushetu Khan, border management, Tugshegen system 目录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 绪论 1 一、选题缘由 1 二、国内外研究现状综述 2 三、论文结构 10 第一章 早期中俄边境管理(1689—1736年) 11 第一节 早期中俄关系 11 第二节 早期中俄边境管理 13 一、边境管理机构方面 13 二、边境案件类型 17 第二章 会办制度的创建和运行(1736—1764年) 19 第一节 清朝一统准噶尔部 19 第二节 会办制度的创建和运行(1736—1764年) 20 一、会办制度的创建及其职能问题 21 二、边境案件类型 25 第三章 库伦办事大臣的设立(1764年之后) 27 第一节 土谢图汗部王公失势 27 第二节 库伦办事大臣的设立及会办制度的演变 29 一、 库伦办事大臣的设立及其职权问题 29 二、 会办制度的演变 35 第四章 结语 37 附录1: 39 附录2: 42 参考文献 44 |