日心说和地心说的斗争 摘要:在人类认识自然界的历史上,日心说与地心说的斗争持续了三百多年,是西方天文学,自然观一场意义深远的斗争,不仅是学术上的争斗,也是科学与神学,唯物主义和唯心主义两条认识路线的争斗,涉及到教会尖锐复杂的阶级斗争。本文对日心说和地心说两种宇宙论的形成,发展以及相互的斗争,进行论述和整理,从而认清西方宇宙论的诞生演化斗争关系。 关键字:日心说;地心说; Absttract:In the history of mankind's understanding of nature,the struggle between the heliocentric theory and the geocentric theory lasted for more than 300 years. It was a far-reaching struggle between Western astronomy and the concept of nature.It was not only an academic struggle, but also between science and theology,the battle between the materialism and the Idealism involved the church's sharp and complex class struggle. This paper discusses and sorts out the formation,development and struggle of the two cosmology,heliocentric theory and geocentric theory, so as to understand the relationship between the birth and evolution of the Western cosmology. Keywords:Heliocentrism; Geocentrism; |