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摘 要




As a hollow art form, the combination of traditional Chinese paper-cutting art with modernclothing is not only conducive to the three-dimensional display and innovative development of paper-cut patterns, but also conducive to the continuous progress of modern clothing. Adding the decomposed, abstract and reorganized paper-cut hollow patterns on the dress to create a visual impact can keep the paper-cut patterns both simple and gorgeous, and play a unique artistic decoration effect that is both harmonious and abstract. From the perspective of clothing, this article analyzes the aesthetic characteristics,design characteristics and the value manifestation in commerce, humanities and art of paper-cutting art. Combining the analysis of the fashion trend of women's clothing in 2021,collect inspiration sources, and finally complete your own brand planning and design. The clothing design breaks the plane thinking,constructs three-dimensional clothing patterns,and combines the red and white fabrics by cutting and hollowing out different materials and fabrics, and shapes its contours to make it a more modern element of craft patterns . Decorate clothing with these modern patterns,highlighting the characteristics of paper-cut hollows. Then use the white base cloth to layer and contrast,so that the hollow pattern is more naturally displayed on the clothing, and the fashion sense of the clothing is added.

Key words:paper-cut art; hollowed-out; figurative pattern

目 录

1剪纸艺术选题背景与意义 1

1.1剪纸艺术选题背景 1

1.2剪纸艺术选题的意义 2

2调研品牌分析 3

2.1欧柏兰奴品牌调研 3

2.1.1“弘艺”女装品牌设计作品定位 5

2.1.2“弘艺”品牌市场定位 5

2.2流行趋势分析 6

2.2.1流行色彩分析 6

2.2.2流行款式分析 8

2.2.3流行面料分析 8

2.2.4流行配饰分析 10

3设计主题 11

3.1“千刀万剪”灵感来源 11

3.2“千刀万剪”主题风格 12

3.3 X廓形与H廓形的相结合 12

3.4剪纸镂空与斜门襟的创新 13

3.5原辅料选配 13

3.6“千刀万剪”VI设计 14

4服装设计说明 15

4.1系列服装效果图 15

4.1.1“千刀万剪”配色方案 16

4.4.2“千刀万剪”图案设计 16

4.2“千刀万剪”系列产品设计说明 17

4.2.1“千刀万剪”产品一款式图、效果图及工艺设计说明 17

4.2.2“千刀万剪”产品二款式图、效果图及工艺设计说明 19

4.2.3“千刀万剪”产品三款式图、效果图及工艺设计说明 21

4.2.4“千刀万剪”产品四款式图、效果图及工艺设计说明 23

4.2.5“千刀万剪”产品五款式图、效果图及工艺设计说明 25

5成品展示 27

5.1“千刀万剪”款式一成衣展示及服饰搭配 27

5.2“千刀万剪”款式二成衣展示及服饰搭配 28

5.3“千刀万剪”款式三成衣展示及服饰搭配 29

5.4“千刀万剪”款式四成衣展示及服饰搭配 30

5.5“千刀万剪”款式五成衣展示及服饰搭配 31

5.6“千刀万剪”系列成衣展示图 32

6产品陈列 34

6.1 弘艺品牌卖场平面图设计 34

6.2 弘艺品牌卖场陈列 35

结束语 36

参考文献 37

致谢 38