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关键词:形体动作 行动 内心活动 规定情境 塑造角色


As the old saying goes: silence is better than sound.Each of us, a smile, a move, all convey feelings.We find that both static posture and dynamic action expression express our inner wishes in life.In this transmission of certain physical information, through our actions to leak out our inner world. The actor should not only show the profession,character and life habit of the character through the external body action, but also express the inner emotion and desire of the character through the body action. Let the audience enjoy it and resonate, get a spiritual communication.Whether in life or in performance creation, body movements are essential.Of course, for actors, the importance of body movements is irreplaceable.

Keywords: Body movements move about Inner activity Setting the situation Role shaping


目 录

绪论 4

第一章 表演创作中形体动作的含义 4

1.1形体动作的含义 4

1.2形体动作与规定情境和行动的关系 5

第二章 形体动作在表演创作中的重要性 6

2.1形体动作对于塑造角色的重要性 6

2.2形体动作对于角色心理活动的重要性 8

第三章 表演创作中形体动作的实践 9

3.1分析剧本里的规定情境是准确把握人物形体动作的基础 9

3.2通过细致具体的形体动作捕捉人物内心的真实感受 10

3.3提炼典型的形体动作塑造鲜明的人物形象 11

第四章 结论 12

参考文献: 14