石油精神及其新时代价值意蕴研究 摘 要 在中国石油工业建设发展历程中,孕育形成了具有鲜明行业特征的精神文化。石油精神是石油战线精神风貌、优良传统以及工作作风的凝练升华,是中国共产党领导人民在社会主义建设时期艰苦奋斗的真实写照。当前,我国进入新发展阶段,更要求党和人民坚守与时俱进的品格,饱有从容不迫的定力。石油精神作为社会主义精神文明建设的宝贵素材是构筑新发展格局过程中应对风险挑战的思想支撑,也是增强文化自信的底气来源。 经历时间的检验,石油精神未曾远去,在时代发展中不断被赋予崭新的时代内涵。习近平总书记曾多次对大力弘扬石油精神作出重要批示,强调石油精神是攻坚克难、夺取胜利的宝贵财富。基于此,本文将通过文献研究、归纳总结、对比研究等方法,明晰石油精神概念的应用过程,厘清石油精神与中国精神的内在联系以及与大庆精神的辩证关系。着重梳理石油精神的历史演变,具体阐述从社会主义建设时期到进入新时代石油精神的变化发展过程。着眼于“五位一体”总布局,探析石油精神的新时代价值意蕴。在此基础上,探索弘扬石油精神的具体路径,为国家建设提供行稳致远的不竭动力,为人民的理想信念熔铸坚实可靠的精神支柱。 关键词:新时代;中国精神;石油精神;价值意蕴 The study on the Petroleum Spirit and Its Contemporary Value ABSTRACT In the process of construction and development of China's petroleum industry, spiritual culture with distinct industrial characteristics has been cultivated and formed. The spirit of petroleum is the sublimation of the spirit of the petroleum front, the fine tradition and the style of work, and the true portrayal of the arduous struggle led by the Communist Party of China in the socialist construction period. At present, China has entered a new period of historical opportunities. It is all the more important for the Party and the people to keep pace with The Times and take their time. The petroleum spirit is the precious material for the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the ideological support for coping with risks and challenges in the New Long March, and the source of confidence for enhancing cultural confidence in the new age. After the test of time, the petroleum spirit has not disappeared, and has been endowed with new connotation of The Times in the process of historical development. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on vigorously carrying forward the petroleum spirit on many occasions, stressing that the petroleum spirit is a precious treasure for overcoming difficulties and winning victories. On this basis, this paper will clarify the application of the concept of petroleum spirit, the internal relationship between petroleum spirit and Chinese spirit, as well as the dialectical relationship between petroleum spirit and Daqing spirit through the method of literature research. Summary and comparative study. This paper focuses on the historical evolution of petroleum spirit and expounds its change and development from the socialist construction period to the new period. Starting from the overall layout of "Five-in-One", this paper probes into the value connotation of petroleum spirit in the new era. On this basis, we will explore specific ways to carry forward the petroleum spirit, so as to provide an inexhaustible driving force for the steady development of the country and build a solid and reliable spiritual pillar for the ideals and beliefs of the people. Key Words:The New age;The Spirit of Chinese;Petroleum Spirit;The Value implacation |