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The establishment and perfection of the personal income tax system has an important role in the development of a country, this paper is to perfect our country individual income tax as the theme to discuss. Research background and research significance of this article first introduced, then the function of the meaning of individual income tax and individual income tax has carried on the brief overview, as the theoretical basis for this article, and then from the tax system design against the tax fair principle, adjust income distribution function is weak, a pattern defects, unreasonable deduction standard, the residents' awareness of tax is not higher aspects to our country personal income tax system, we deeply analyzed the existing problems and causes, and personal income tax system model based on British and American countries, from choosing mixed tax system, tax deduction standard information technology innovation, reasonable design,Play a role of intermediary propaganda strategy of perfect our country personal income tax system in this paper.
Keywords:Individual income tax system   Fairness   Residents' income   The state financial


1 前言 1
2 理论概述 1
2.1个人所得税的涵义 1
2.2个人所得税的功能 1
3 我国个人所得税制度存在的问题及成因分析 2
3.1问题分析 2
3.2问题原因分析 3
4 国外个人所得税及经验借鉴 4
4.1美英两国个人所得税制度分析 4
4.2国外个人所得税税制对我国的启示 4
5 完善我国个人所得税制度的建议 4
5.1选择混合征收制度 5
5.2税务信息技术革新 5
5.3合理设计扣除标准 5
5.4加强个人所得税的征管 5
6 结语 6
参考文献: 7