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Abstract: Accounting computerization is a new type of accounting method that emerged in the 1980s. Different and previous ways of accounting and accounting are to use a computer work platform for accounting computerization, and to integrate and process information to corresponding standards. In the end, the final results are obtained, and predictions and crisis analysis can even be presented against the financial status of the company. The rise of the accounting computerization industry marks a major change in the accounting profession in China and has a major impact on China’s future accounting industry and major companies. This article analyzes the connection between the current accounting computerization and the enterprise, puts forward the problems and gives related suggestions, hoping to promote the reasonable development of computerized accounting in our country.
关键词:会计电算化  问题  对策 
Keywords: Accounting  Computerization  Problems  Countermeasures

目  录
一、会计电算化的概述 1
二、我国企业会计电算化的发展及现状 1
(一)我国企业会计电算化的发展 1
(二)我国企业会计电算化的现状 2
三、我国企业会计电算化存在的问题 2
(一)会计人员能力欠缺 2
(二)会计信息共享性差 3
(三)财务软件自身的问题 3
四、完善我国企业会计电算化的方法 3
(一)积极培训会计电算化需要的人才 3
(二)构建信息网络平台,实现资源共享 4
(三)改善和提高会计软件功能 4
结论 6
主要参考文献 7
致  谢 8