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摘 要



Because of the continuous progress of our society, there have been many inventions closely related to life in the field of electrical equipment. Therefore, the safety and stability of control automation electrical equipment have become more and more important. This paper has studied various reasons that interfere with the stability of electrical automation, and designed a set of true and reliable electrical automatic control schemes, which will help stimulate the progress of the electrical system automation control industry.

Keywords: Automatic control; electrical equipment; interference factors; optimization plan


目 录

1 前言 3

1.1 研究背景与意义 3

1.2 论文概述 4

2 电气自动化可靠性基础理论 4

2.1 电气自动化可靠性概述 4

2.1.1生产高效 4

2.1.2产品质量 4

2.3 电气自控设备提升产品质量 5

3 影响电气自动化控制设备性能的因素 5

3.1 操作问题 5

3.2 电子元器件质量问题 5

3.3设备本身问题 5

3.4外部因素 6

3.4.1电磁干扰 6

3.4.2环境问题 6

3.4.3机械摩擦 6

3.5管理问题 6

4 低压供电系统可靠性影响因素分析评 7

4.1 低电压供电系统介绍 7

1.TT系统 7

2.TN系统 7

(1)TN—S系统 7

(2)TN-C系统 8

(3)TN-C-S系统 8

3.IT系统 9

4.2 影响低压供电系统的因素 10

结 论 11

参考文献 11