试述常见的滑动轴承 摘要 滑动轴承(sliding bearing),在滑动摩擦下工作的轴承。滑动轴承工作平稳、可靠、无噪声。在液体润滑条件下,滑动表面被润滑油分开而不发生直接接触,还可以大大减小摩擦损失和表面磨损,油膜还具有一定的吸振能力。但由于齿轮轴的起动摩擦阻力较大。轴被本体用于支撑轴承支承的各种轴颈部分又被系统称为支承件或轴颈,与支承件或轴颈这一部分结构相配的各种轴承轴颈零件又被系统称为支承件或轴颈零瓦。为了有效的的改善这种轴承材瓦在其内衬主体表面的浇铸冲压冲击摩擦减磨应力轴承性质而在其主体内衬的表面上可以进行外层浇铸的一种冲压摩擦减摩应力轴承是该材料的主体外层内衬是被我们称为浇铸冲压减摩轴承的外层内衬。轴瓦和轴承衬件装套衬的轴承受力衬的两种主体应用材料分类根据这种统称分类可以细分为衬套轴承衬的滑动受力衬和衬套轴承衬的主体材料。滑动轴承应用场合一般在低速重载工况条件下,或者是维护保养及加注润滑油困难的运转部位。 Abstract Sliding baerings,bearings working under sliding friction.The sliding bearing works smoothly,feliably and noise-free.Under liquid lubricating conditions,the sliding surface is separated by lubricating oil without direct contact which can also greatly reduce fricition loss and surface wear.The part supported by the bearing is called the shaft tile.In order to improve the friction properties of the axle tile surface,the fricion reducition material layer cast on its inner surface is called a bearing lining.The materials of shaft tiles and bearing lining are collectively referred to as sliding bearing materials. The application of sliding bearings is generally under low-speed heavy load conditions, or it is a difficult operation place to maintain maintenance and add lubricating oil. 目录 前言7 一、常见的滑动轴承介绍8 二、常见的滑动轴承分类9 四、常见滑动轴承的材料特点13 结语15 致谢16 参考文献17 |