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Research on the development of export trade in Nanqiao District of Chuzhou City

Abstract:Export trade is a necessary way of regional economic development.Since the reform and opening up,China has vigorously implemented the "going out" strategy and issued a series of policy support. Although regional export trade has developed for many years,there are still many problems due to regional differences. Taking the development of export trade in Nanqiao District of Chuzhou as an example,there are some problems in the export trade of Nanqiao District of Chuzhou The mainreason is that the traditional export industry has not been transformed and the new export industry has not been well developed. Therefore, the transformation of export trade is the key to addvitality to the export trade of Nanqiao District of Chuzhou City..

Key words: Export;Export trade;Nanqiao district


目 录

摘要 h 1


前言 2

一、出口贸易的基本概况 2

(一)基本概念] 2

1.出口 2

2.出口贸易 2

3.出口贸易的一般流程 2

(二)国外对出口贸易的理论研究 3

1.绝对成本理论 3

2.比较优势理论 3

3.要素禀赋论 3

(三) 国内对出口贸易的理论研究 3

二、滁州市南谯区出口贸易现状 4

(一)南谯区出口贸易总量及波动 4

(二)南谯区出口贸易产品结构 5

(三)南谯区出口贸易企业现状 5

(四) 出口市场结构 5

三、滁州市南谯区出口贸易存在的问题及原因分析 5

(一)出口市场集中 5

(二) 产品层次较低、种类较少 6

1.出口产品以初级产品为主,出口企业竞争力弱 6

2.初级产品种类有限,出口企业数量较少 6

3.初级产业有竞争,出口产业集群缺乏 6

(三)出口增长波动幅度大 7

四、滁州市南谯区出口贸易发展的对策及建议 7

(一)培育和引进大企业 7

(二)优化产品结构 7

1.加大技术研发 7

2.开发新的产品种类 8

(三)开拓新的市场 8

(四)吸引人才 8

(五)政府加大支持力度 8

(六)平衡发展 8

1.减少对部分市场的依赖性 8

2.优化招商引资 8

结论 9

参考文献 9

致谢 10