基于大数据的网络舆情分析 摘要 互联网的迅速发展鼓励了许多新的大众媒体的发展。无论是普通人还是知名人士,都可以通过手机在网络和友好圈子里发表评论和分享自己的观点,让每个人都有一个“麦克风”,在当今社会,新闻或娱乐八卦非常流行,而且它的传播速度比我们想象的要快得多,几分钟内可以播放数万个电视节目。 为了解决大数据背景下的网络公众分析问题,本文进行了一个设计:首先,选取webapp微博作为挖掘对象,微博近年来发展迅速,已经成为信息传播的一个非常重要的载体。新浪微博注册用户超过6亿,日博客超过1亿。微博是研究各种舆情信息的最佳场所,微博中信息量如此之大,选择信息是必然的需求。因此,从原始驱动出发,我们可以发现亿万网民的热点话题,监控和规范广大群众的网络行为,从而达到净化网络环境,除此之外,笔者觉得最重要的是获取有用的信息,如商业价值(数据外加)。对信息传播(网络结构与网络热点)和一些社会学的研究,这些方面除开满足人们需求的同时,还对国家发展、社会和谐以及生态健康的网络舆论具有重要的现实意义。 舆情分析系统主要的目的是对热点事件解剖分析,本文首先介绍了网络舆情的社会背景和项目研究,又借鉴了当今比较成熟的聚合算法,然后对整个系统从零到全的设计与实现,最后通过本软件对微博热点事件进行了爬取与结果展示。 关键词:大数据;微博;舆情分析;网络舆情; Network public opinion analysis based on big data ABSTRACT The rapid development of the Internet has encouraged the development of many new mass media.Whether ordinary people or famous people, can be in network and mobile phone friendly circles to comment and share their views, let everybody have a microphone, in today's society, news or entertainment gossip is very popular, and its propagation speed is much faster than we think, in a few minutes can play tens of thousands of TV programs. In order to solve the problem of network public analysis in the context of big data, this paper carries out a design. Firstly, WebApp microblog is selected as the mining object. Microblog has developed rapidly in recent years and has become a very important carrier of information dissemination.Sina weibo has more than 600 million registered users and more than 100 million daily bloggers.Microblog is the best place to study all kinds of public opinion information. The amount of information in microblog is so large that it is inevitable to choose information.Therefore, starting from the original driver, we can find out the hot topics of hundreds of millions of netizens, monitor and regulate the network behaviors of the masses, so as to purify the network environment. In addition, the author thinks that the most important thing is to obtain useful information, such as commercial value (plus data).The research on information dissemination (network structure and network hot spots) and some sociology not only meets people's needs, but also has important practical significance for national development, social harmony and ecological health of network public opinion. Public opinion analysis system for the main purpose is to analyze the anatomy of the hot issues, this paper first introduces the social background and project research of network public opinion and draw lessons from the current mature aggregation algorithm, and then from zero to full of the whole system design and implementation, finally, the software for the microblogging hot issues in the crawl and results display. .Keywords:Big data; Weibo; Public opinion analysis; Network public opinion; 目录 摘要....................................................................i ABSTRACT...............................................................ii 第一章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2研究背景及意义1 1.3国内外相关问题研究现状2 1.3.1国外研究现状2 1.3.2国内研究现状2 第二章 相关技术介绍4 2.1.Eclipse简介4 2.2新浪微博api4 2.3MySQL数据库5 第三章 系统设计6 3.1总体流程设计6 3.2总体的系统设计8 3.3总体系统分模块设计9 3.3.1信息爬取对接获取模块9 3.3.2信息处理模块10 3.3.3信息结果显示模块10 3.4数据库设计10 表3-1 Docwei表11 第四章 系统运行与实现12 4.1信息爬取对接获取模块的实现12 4.1.1核心代码12 4.1.2相关时序图13 4.2信息处理模块15 4.2.1核心代码15 4.2.2相关时序图15 4.3整体系统运行测试结果17 4.1.1信息爬取对接获取模块运行展示17 4.3.2信息处理模块及信息结果显示模块运行展示18 结束语 20 致谢..... 22 参考文献. 23 附录程序源代码24 |